
DataPrism has basic support for transactions. To perform a transaction, you need a TransactionlDb[F, Codec]. Most top level Dbs you construct are transactional. You perform a transaction by calling transaction on the TransactionalDb.

transaction has this signature: def transaction[A](f: TransactionDb[F, Codec] ?=> F[A])(using NotGiven[TransactionDb[F, Codec]]): F[A]. It takes as a single argument a block where you execute your logic. Within this block, you have access to an implicit TransactionDb. Because of how Scala 3 prioritizes implicits, this Db is the one that will be used for any operations you perform. The function also takes an implicit evidence that there is not already a TransactionDb in scope, as that would imply a transaction has already been started.

The TransactionalDb will commit the transaction once the block finishes, or roll it back if the block fails because of an exception.


If you want more fine-grained control over the transaction, you can use the functions found on TransactionDb to commit, rollback, create savepoints, and rolling back to these savepoints.