Table definitions

The first thing you need when using DataPrism is a description of the table you are querying. In the vast amount of cases, you will express this using a Higher Kinded Data (HKD) structure. HKD is a normal case class where the type of each field is wrapped in a higher kinded type.

Here's an example of a HKD structure.

case class UserK[F[_]](
  id: F[Int],
  name: F[Option[String]],
  username: F[String],
  email: F[String]

You also need instances of perspective.ApplyKC and perspective.TraverseKC for the HKD. (Eventually you'll just be able to use a derive clause for this, but for now you have to call a macro manually.)

case class UserK[F[_]](
  id: F[Int],
  name: F[Option[String]],
  username: F[String],
  email: F[String]

import dataprism.KMacros

// Snippet compiler fails here sadly
given KMacros.ApplyTraverseKC[UserK] = ??? // KMacros.deriveApplyTraverseKC[UserK]

Lastly you need the table definition itself, an instance of Table[Codec, UserK]. Codec here represents how data is read from and written to the database. The codec you use depends on how you connect to the database. Currently, there are two options: JDBC and Skunk. Depending on your choice, you'll use different database codecs. Unless specified otherwise, these docs will assume JDBC is being used.

Table itself takes two parameters. The name of the table, and a value of type UserK[Column]. Column meanwhile takes two parameters, the name and the type of the column. The types can be gotten from an object that corresponds to the database you're using in dataprism.jdbc.sql.<db choice>JdbcTypes. For these docs, Postgres will be used.

Here is how a table definition could look like for the HKD above.

case class UserK[F[_]](
  id: F[Int],
  name: F[Option[String]],
  username: F[String],
  email: F[String]

import dataprism.KMacros

// Snippet compiler fails here sadly
given KMacros.ApplyTraverseKC[UserK] = ??? // KMacros.deriveApplyTraverseKC[UserK]

import dataprism.sql.{Table, Column}
import dataprism.jdbc.sql.JdbcCodec
import dataprism.jdbc.sql.PostgresJdbcTypes.*

val table: Table[JdbcCodec, UserK] = Table(
    Column("id", integer),
    Column("name", text.nullable),
    Column("username", text),
    Column("email", text)

Notice that all database types have to be written out by hand. This is by design, and a similar approach is taken elsewhere in DataPrism. These types are never inferred. You have to specify them.

Putting it all together, the table definition could look like this.

import dataprism.KMacros
import dataprism.sql.{Table, Column}
import dataprism.jdbc.sql.JdbcCodec
import dataprism.jdbc.sql.PostgresJdbcTypes.*

case class UserK[F[_]](
  id: F[Int],
  name: F[Option[String]],
  username: F[String],
  email: F[String]

object UserK:
  // Snippet compiler fails here sadly
  given KMacros.ApplyTraverseKC[UserK] = ??? // KMacros.deriveApplyTraverseKC[UserK]

  val table: Table[JdbcCodec, UserK] = Table(
      Column("id", integer),
      Column("name", text.nullable),
      Column("username", text),
      Column("email", text)


Nesting HKD is completely fine, as long as you derive instances for ApplyKC and TraverseKC for all the fields.

import dataprism.KMacros

case class OuterK[F[_]](
  a: F[Int],
  b: F[String],
  inner: OuterK.InnerK[F]

object OuterK:
  given KMacros.ApplyTraverseKC[OuterK] = ??? // KMacros.deriveApplyTraverseKC[OuterK]

  case class InnerK[F[_]](
    c: F[Double]

  object InnerK:
    given KMacros.ApplyTraverseKC[InnerK] = ??? // KMacros.deriveApplyTraverseKC[InnerK]

Autoderiving table instances

There is also some experimental support for deriving Table instances automatically. Column names are taken from the name of a field or from an annotation, while column types are gotten from the type of the field or an annotation. If the SQL types are gotten from the types of the field, you have to define the field type as jdbcType.T. Here is an example:

import dataprism.KMacros
import dataprism.sql.{named, Table}
import dataprism.jdbc.sql.{JdbcCodec, JdbcColumns, jdbcType}
import dataprism.jdbc.sql.PostgresJdbcTypes.*

case class AutoDerivedTableK[F[_]](
  foo: F[text.T],
  bar: F[integer.nullable.T],
  @jdbcType(boolean) baz: F[Boolean],
  @named("bin") @jdbcType(doublePrecision) abc: F[Double]
) //derives JdbcColumns //// Snippet compiler fails here sadly
object AutoDerivedTable:
  given KMacros.ApplyTraverseKC[AutoDerivedTableK] = ??? // KMacros.deriveApplyTraverseKC[AutoDerivedTableK]
  //Can't call because snipper compiler failed
  //val table: Table[JdbcCodec, AutoDerivedTableK] = JdbcColumns.table("auto_table")